
Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

English material for business

This is some materials if you be a teacher in business class :

A business  is an organization. It producers goods and services  to make a  profit. Business may be divided into goods producing and services producing firms.
The American business systems is known as private  enterprise  because  the factors  of production and the business are owned but individuals. The systems is based on the right to protivated  properties.
There are  four factors  of production which  include machinery,  building, tools. And means of transportation. To producers goods   and services in the private enterprise system, the four factor of production are obtained from the individuals  owning the  businesses  in exchange for income 
The human  element is the core of business. Business needs people as owners, manager’s and costumers.  People  need  business for the producing  of goods and services  and creation of job opportunities.
The person  responsible for operating the business is called a manager. The manager may be the owner  or a professional employed by the  owner. A professional  manager attempts to achieve the objectives of the business.
Employees supply the skills and  ability  to provide  a product or service. They expect to receive  a wage or salary  for the use of their skills and abilities.

Vocabulary Building
1        Noun  From the passage
Goods          :  Articles  for sale = barang yang dijual-belikan
Profit            :  excess  of the selling price of goods over cost = laba 
Service         :  A useful  job  that  does not produce   goods = jasa
Private          :  belonging to a particular individual or group = swasta
Enterprise     :  Business organisation = perusahaan
Individual    :  Person = orang, perseorangan
Right            :  something  to which one has a just claim = hak
Property       :  Something owned = milik
Core             :  in most part =  inti
Element        :  unsur
Employee     :  a person who is employed = pekerja 
Consumer     :  a person or groups who buys and uses goods services
Job                :  Something that has to be done = tugas, pekerjaan
Objective      :  aim or goal = sasaran
Skills            :  developed  ability = kecakapan 
Wage            :  payment  for labour =  upah 
Salary           :  Regular payment for service = gaji 
Target           :  goal  to be achieved  = sasaran 
Motive          :  cause  of  a person’s  action = dorongan
Role              :  function = kegunaan, peranan 
Reward        :  something  offered for achievement = imbalan atas suatu prestasi
Risk              :  the chance  of loss = risiko 
Measurement   :     something to prove  = tolok ukur

2        Verbs  from the passage
Divide          :  separating into two or more parts = membagi  menjdidua bagian atau lebih
Own             :  Have  as property = memiliki
Be based on    :     to use as a basis = berdasrkan atas
Produce        :  to make or manufacture = membuat, memproduksi
Obtain          :  to get a possession = memperoleh
Need            :  Be in want = membutuhkan, memerlukan
Expect          :  look  forward for = mengharapkan
Earn              :  receives  as a return for a service = menerima sesuatu sebagai imbalanjasa
Be responsible for :   able to  take a rational decision without  supervision = bertanggungjawab
Employ         :  to put into action = memperkerjakan
Provides       :  supply what is needed  = menyediakan 
Purchase       :  obtain  in exchange for money = membeli


Economics : The Foundation of Business
Economies is the study of how society chooses  to use scarce resources to produces goods and services and to distribute  them to people  for consumption. a nation’s resources consist of natural, capacity, and labour resources.
Natural resources  are provided by  nature in limited amounts ; they include crude oil, natural gas, mineral, timber and water. Natural resources must be processed to become a product  or to  be used to producer  other  goods  and services. For example, tress must be processed  into lumber before they can be used to build  homes, shipping, malls and hospitals.
Capital resources  are good produces  for the puproses of making other  types  of goods and services.  Some   capital resources are called current assets. Theyt have a short life and are used   up in the production process. These resources include fuel, raw materials, paper, and money. Long-lived capital  resources, which can be used repeatedly in the production process, are called  fixed  capital. Examples include factory building, machines  and means of transportation.   
Labour  resources  represent the human talent. To have value in the labour force,  individuals must be trained to perform either skilled or semiskilled work. For example, the job of a manager requires  extensive  training, whereas  only minimal training is needed to operate  a service station’s gas pump.

Study                                :     Kajian
Society                              :     Masyarakat 
Resources                          :     Sumber Daya
Natural Resources             :     Sumber Daya Alam
Labour                               :     Pekerja
Amount                             :     Jumlah
Capital                               :     Modal
Crude Oil                          :     Minyak Mentah
Natural Gas                       :     Hasil tambang
Timber                               :     Kayu gelondong
Lumber                              :     Kayu olahan
Product                             :     Produk
Shopping Mall                   :     Pusat Perbelanjaan
Purpose                             :     Tujuan
Fuel                                   :     Bahan Bakar
Raw Material                    :     Bahan  Mentah
Means of Transportation   :     Sarana angkutan/transportsi
Talent                                :     Bakat
Labour Force                     :     Angkatan Kerja
Distribute                          :     Membangikan
Consist of                          :     Menyediakan
Provide                              :     Menyediakan 
Include                              :     Mencakup, meliputi 
Represent                          :     Mencerminkan, menggambarkan
Train                                  :     Melatih
Require                              :     Memerlukan 
Operate                             :     Mengoperasikan
Satisfy                               :     Memenuhi kebutuhan (orang).

3. Types of Business   Organization

Types  of Business Organization

When you start a business, you have many decisions to make. The fist is the form of organization best suited to the needs  of your business.
Most business star at as sole proprietorships. Many of them become partnerships or corporations as the expand.  You  are  probably familiar with sole proprietorships, businesses that ae  established, owned, operated, and often financed by a single person.
Sole proprietorships have several advantages that make them popular. They are   ease and low cost of setting up, all profit go to the owner, control of the business   can be performed  directly, and  free  from government  regulation
Another major form of business organization is the partnership. It is an association of two or more person to carry on as co-owners  of  a business for profit.
Some advantages of partnership come quickly to mind. When you have a partner, you are not tied to the business as you would be in a sole proprietorship.
Someone  else helps manage and operate them firm and bring extra skills. Setting up a partnership take a more formal agreement  than starting  a sole proprietorship, but partnership  are still quite easy to from.
Ease of information, availability of capital, diversity of skills and expertise, flexibility and relative  freedom from government  control are the advantages  of all types  of partnership.
Corporations are not the most popular form of business organization in terms of number of firms. But they account for the largest share of both  sales and income. A corporations is a legal entity with an existence and life  separate  from its owners. A corporations can own property, enter into contracts, sue and be sued, and engage in business operation under the  terms of its character.
Unlike sole proprietorships  and partnership, corporations are taxable entities.
There are four types   of corporate ownership. The common stock of a privately owned  firm is not available  to the general public. A closely owned firm belongs to a small group of investors.
The common stock of  a publicly owned firm belongs to a broad group of unrelated individuals and institutional investors.
Several  specialized types of business organization play a role  in our economy  are co-operative, joint ventures, and limited liability companies.

Start (V)                            :     Memulai, mengawali
Decision (n)                       :     Keputusan
Form (n)                            :     Bentuk
Suit (v)                              :     Sesuai, cocok 
Expand (v)                        :     Berkembang
Familiar (adj)                     :     Akrab
Establish (v)                      :     Mendirikan
To be established              :     didirikan
Own (v)                             :     memiliki, to be owned =  dimiliki
Operate (v)                        :     Mengoperasikan, to be operated = dioperasikan
Finance (v)                        :     Membiayai, to be financed = dibiayai
Person (n)                          :     Orang
Advantages (n)                 :     Manfaat
Ease (n)                             :     Mudah 
Low cost                           :     Murah
Setting up                          :     Permodalan
Profit (n)                           :     Laba, keuntungan
Go to the owner                :     Menjadi  kepunyaan pemilik
Owner (n)                          :     Pemilik
Control (n)                        :     Pengendalian, pengawasan
Perform (v)                        :     Melakukan
Government  (n)                :     Pemerintah
Regulation (n)                   :     Peraturan major (adj) = umum,utama
Association (n)                  :     Persekutuan
Carry on (v)                       :     Mengelola
Come quickly  to mind     :     mudah untuk dipikirkan 
Partner (n)                         :     Rekan persero
To be tied (v, passive)       :     Terikat
Manage (v)                        :     Mengelola 
Bring extra skill                 :     Menyumbangkankeahlian 
Formal agreement             :     Perjanjian resmi
Availability (n)                  :     Ketersediaan
Capital (n)                         :     Modal
Diversity (n)                      :     Keanekaragaman
Flexibility (n)                    :     keluwesan
In terms of number           :     Berkenaan dengan jumlah
In terms of                        :     concerning, regarding = berkenaan dengan
Account for                       :     Mempertanggung jawabkan
Separate from                    :     terpisah dari
Property (n)                       :     Kekayaan
Enter intro  contract          :     Membuat perjanjiankerja
Sue (v)                               :     Menuntut
Engage in                          :     terlibat
Unlike                               :     tidak seperti
Taxable (adj)                     :     dapat dikenakan pajak
Ownership (n)                   :     Pemililikan
Available (dj)                    :     dapat diperoleh, tersedia
General public                   :     Masyarakat umum, masyarakat  luas
Investor  (n)                      :     pemodal
Role (n)                             :     Peran 
Feature (n)                         :     Ciri yang khas
Unlimited life span           :     rentang umur yang tidak terbatas
Board  of director             :     Dewan  direksi
Proportion (n)                    :     bagian
Distribute (v)                     :     Membagi, mendistribusikan
Undertake (v)                    :     mengerjakan
Reason (n)                         :     Alasan 
Acces (n)                           :     Jalanmasuk, jalan menuju  ke suatu arah
Work with                         :     bekerja sama dengan
Provide (v)                        :     menyediakan
Liability protection           :     proteksi pertanggungjawaban
Combination (n)                :     Perpaduan, kombinasi
Favorable (adj)                  :     Yang mendukung
Treatment (n)                    :     laporan
Favorable tax treatment    :     laporan pajak yang mendukung


Many people confuse the terms of production, operations, and manufacturing.
Production  is a business activity that uses people and machinery  to  convert  materials and parts into saleable product. This process might involve the works,  ideas and  plans of the design engineers. Two types of companies engage in this activity. The first is a processing company. It is a firm that converts natural  resources  into raw materials. The second type is a  manufacturing  company. it is a firm that converts raw material into consumer and industrial goods. Production is not limited to the manufacture of good s ;  it applies to both the service and the manufacturing  sectors  of the economy.
Manufacturing  refers only to the physical  process of producing goods ; services are not manufactured. It is  the actual processes of making products out of materials and parts. 
Operations  are  the  function o needed to carry out a strategic plan, to keep the company producing. Production and operation manager are  responsible for  producing the goods  that business needs to sell. There are many kinds of products-good and service-wanted by people  in the marketplace.
Every business’s production goals focus on producing product-and  producing the best, the feast and the least cost.  Thus the production and  operations manager must produce with effectiveness and efficiency  while maintaining quality control.  
A production and operations manager’s job is to see that the operations necessary  to achieve the company’s production goals are carried out. To do this, these managers oversee  a  number of company operations.
Production and operation manager have product planning responsibilities, such as preparing finance  and marketing. They also oversee  the hiring, training,  and development of personnel for department involved  the company-especially marketing, warehousing,  and shipping-is important as well.  

Confuse (v)                       :  Puzzle = to fail to distinguish between (rancu) 
Terms (n)                           :  A name or words used for some particular thing = istilah
Convert (v)                        :  Change, transform = to change from one form to another = mengubah 
Material (n)                       :  the substance of which a thing is a made =  bahan
Seleable (adj)                    :  Able to be sold = dapat dijual 
Involve (v)                        :  to  include as a necessary part = mencakup
Engage (v)                         :  Involve = tercakup, terlibat 
Manufacture (n)                :  The making of  goods  machinery or  by hand refer (v)  = relate = mengacu
Carry out (v)                     :  To put (plans, instruction, etc) into practice =  melaksanakan
Responsible for (adj)         :  Answerable for acts  or decisions = bertanggung jawab 
Marketplace (n)                 :  World  of trade activity = pasar
Goal (n)                             :  aim, purpose = tujuan, sasaran 
Focus on                            :  Bring to central point  =  bertumpu pada
maintain (v)                       :  Keep  in a existing state = menjaga, merawat
oversee (v)                         : Supervise = mengawasi 
hiring (n)                           :  Employ for pay = memperkerjakan
training (n)                        :  Pelatihan
development (n)                :  Perkembangan
warehouse (n)                    :  Gudang 
shipping (n)                       :  Pengiriman
steadily increasing             :  mengalami peningkatan  dengan pasti  
common                            :  General, widely  existing = umum 
measure                             :  Tolak ukur 
Labour (n)                         :  People who work  for wages = pekerjaaan 
Express                              :  Make known in words – menyatakan
Output (n)                         :  product = hasil 
Combine (v)                      :  Join, unite = memadukan
Generate (v)                      :  To bring  into existence, produce = menghasilkan
Price (v)                             :  Set a price on = menetapkan harga
Estimate  (v)                      :  Judge the approximate value  = menaksir nilai
Sechedule (n)                    :  list showing  sequence of events = jadwal


A product is a good, service, or idea including alt the tangibles and intangibles pro­vided in an exchange between a buyer and a seller. People buy a product for the benefits and satisfaction it gives. A product can be a good (like a car) or a service (like your checking account at the bank). Sometimes a product is a blend of the both. Dinner at a restaurant, for example, consists not only of tangible items - food and beverages - but also preparation, service, and the appeal of dining in that special setting.
Product used by individuals for personal and family consumption are consumer products. Inexpensive goods and services that consumer often buy, without much thought or effort, are convenience products. Milk, bread, magazine, soft drinks are examples.
An item that buyers will expend time and effort to find and purchase is shopping product. This category includes goods such as TV set, VCRs, major appliances, and furniture, and services such as dental care, legal advice, and tax preparation.
Goods and services that have specific attributes desired by a particular group =, of consumers are known as speciality products. Speciality products can be expensive and unique, such as Mercedes sports car.

Tangible                   :     That can be felt by touch = berujud 
Exchange                 :     The giving or taking  of one thing in return for another = pertukaran
Benefit                     :     Something  that desirable =  manfaat
Satisfaction              :     state   of being satisfied  = kepuasan
Blend                       :     Campuran
Beverage                  :     Drink = minuman 
Preparation               :     Persiapan
Setting                      :     Arrangement = tatanan
Individual                :     Person = orang
Consumption            :     Use of goods service = konsumsi, penggunaan barang atau jasa 
Effort                       :     Use of  resource  toward  a goal = upaya 
Item                          :     Goods = barang
Expend                     :     pay out = pengeluaran (dalam bentuk uang)
Find                          :     Discover  = mendapatkan
Purchase                   :     Buy, obtain in exchange  for money
Include                     :     Involve = mencakup, meliputi
Appliance                 :     Household device = peralatan rumah tangga
Attribute                  :     Characteristics = cirri, tanda 
Shallow                    :     Sligh, small in amount = berjumlah kecil
Deep                         :     broad, large in amount  = berjumlah besar
Refer                        :     Have connection = mengacu 
Aspect                      :     aspek,segi
Transaction               :     Business deal = transaksi
Crucial                      :     Critical, vitaliy important = sangat penting
Highly visible           :     tampak nyata
Greatly affect           :     Sangat mempengaruhi 
Consider                   :     think about = mempertimbangkan
Take into account     :     Memperhitungkan 
Competition             :     Persaingan 
Perception                :     Thought = pemikiran
To set price               :     Menetapkan harga
Equal                        :     Sama-sama 
Competitor               :     Pesaing
Distinguish               :     Difference = perbedaan   
Prevent                     :     mencegah
Register                    :     List, schedule = daftar 
Legally protected     :     Dilindungi menurut hukum


The American Marketing Association defines marketing as the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objec­tives.­
Marketing activities are required for many different kinds of products. Product is not only tangible goods - those that can be held or touched-, but also can be intangible services - those that cannot be held or touched- such as health care services.
Ultimately the purpose of marketing activities is to bring about exchanges. Ex­change is the process by which parties provide something of value to one another to satisfy the needs of each.
Through activities that enables exchanges to take place, marketing adds value to products. This value is known as utility, the ability of a product to satisfy a consumer need. There are four types of utility: form, time, place, and possession.
Marketing directly creates three types of utility. By making products available when consumers want and need them, marketing creates time utility. Publishing com­pany print and distribute morning newspaper early so readers can read them at breakfast or while commuting to work.
Marketing is important to organizations and consumers  alike. It touches the lives of all members of society. Through the cost of what we purchase, each of us supports the costs of marketing. Most people would agree that marketing costs are worth it because the many and varied marketing activites enable us tosatisfy our needs and want. A needs is something  required  for human survival, such as food, water, shelter,  and clothing. A want is something desired but no necessary  for basic survival.  Without marketing, many needs  and wants would go unsatisfied.


Execute                    :     Perform = melaksanakan
Conception               :     Idea = konsepsi, gagasan
Promotion                :     Advancement = peningkatan, pengembangan, promosi 
Care                          :     Perawatan
Ultimately                :     Finally = pada akhirnya 
Purpose                    :     something  aimed at = tujuan, maksud
to bring  about          :     To cause, to make happen = menyebabkan
enable                       :     Memungkinkan untuk
add                           :     menambah
ability                       :     kemampuan
publishing company :     Perusahaan penerbitan 
distribute                  :     Divide  among many = membagikan, mendistribusikan 
commute                  :     Travel back and froth regularly = perjalanan dengan kendaraan pulang pergi secara tetap
obtain                       :     Gain by effort, mendapatkan
transfer                     :     Move from one person to another
clerk                         :     Salesperson in a store = pelayan toko
alike                          :     Identical, very similar, identik, hampir sama
touch                        :     Make contact with so as  to feel (menyentuh)
society                      :     community life, masyarakat
purchase                   :     Obtain in exchange for money, membeli
agree                         :     express willingness, bersedia, setuju
worth                        :     Equal in value to
survival                     :     remain alive, bertahan hidup 
shelter                       :     Something that gives  protection, tempat berteduh, rumah
compose of               :     Consist of, terdiri dari :
divide                       :     separate, membagi 
characteristic            :     Sifat, cirri
State                         :     Express in words, mengungkapkan dengan kata-kata
Strive                        :     Try hard, berusaha keras
Call for                     :     Require, memerlukan
Appropriate              :     Suitable, sesuai

Promotion is marketing activity that stimulates dei112nd for a firm's products. Mar­keters promote everything from needle to aircraft. Once the product has been cre­ated, promotion is often used to competition.
Promotional strategy is the plan for informing, persuading, or reminding the target market about a product. The goal is to stimulate action. In a profit-oriented firm, the desired action is for the consumer to buy the promoted item.
The combination of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and publicity used to promote a product is called the promotional mix.
Advertising is any non personal message paid for by an identifiable sponsor for the purpose of promoting products. Companies use two types of advertising: product advertising and institutional advertising. Product advertising, is advertising intended to promote demand for a product or service such as Pepsodent toothpaste. Institutional advertising is advertising done to enhance a company's public image rather than to sell a product.
The second element of the promotional mix is personal selling. It is a face-to face attempt to persuade prospective customers to buy a given product. Personal selling provides the company with the opportunity (1) to give customers individuals attention, (2) to adapt a message to the customer, (3) to focus on a specific target  market, (4) to receive immediate feedback, and (5) to provide  the opportunity to close  the sale.

Stimulate (v)                        :  Mendorong 
Promote (v)                          :  Meningkatkan 
Needle (n)                            :  Jarum
Aircraft (n)                           :  Pesawat terbang 
Inform (v)                            :  Menginformasikan 
Persuade (v)                         :  Menganjurkan 
Remind (v)                           :  Mengingatkan
Face-to-face                         :  tatap muka
To be intended (v)               :  Dimaksudkan 
Enhance (v)                          :  Meningkatkan
Adapt (v)                             :  Menyesuaikan
Message (n)                          :  Pesan
Focus (v)                              :  Memusatkan 
Feed back (n)                       :  Umpan balik
Support (v)                           :  Memberi dukungan
Overlook (v)                         :  Mengawasi
Blend (v)                              :  Mencampur
Nature (n)                             :  Sifat
Serve (v)                               :  Memeramkan
Channel (n)                          :  saluran
Rather than                          :  Daripada 
Aimet at                               :  Diarahkan pada 
Rely on (v)                           :  Mengadandalkan,  mempercayai
Combination                        :  Perpaduan, kombinasi 
Competition                         :  persaingan 
Profit-oriented                     :  Bertujuan mencari laba 
Identifiable (adj)                  :  dapat diidentifikasikan 
Effectiveness                       :  Keefektifan
Nonpaid communication      :  komunikasi tanpa biaya


Mahmud machfoedz, English for student of business, UPP; yogyakarta. 1997